Buenos días,
Por un envío de 39 emails que he enviado como copia oculta (ya, ahora ya sé que no lo vuelvo a hacer), me han spameado en RATS-Dyna. No consigo elimiralo de esta lista. En su página web al incluir mi IP pública, me dice que no puedo quitar esta IP por lo siguiente:
Reverse DNS for this IP address is: The naming convention for this IP address does NOT comply with 'Best Practices for Email Operators'. You will NOT be able to remove this IP until this naming convention is corrected. ONLY if you are operating an email server at this IP address, and you do not know how to correct this, please contact your ISP. If you NOT running an email server there is no need to remove this IP, please contact your ISP if you are having problem sending email. If you believe that this naming convention is correct, please use the contact form. For more information, please review the above "List Specifications" section, or this Best Practice Documentation.
Podrían ayudarme por favor!
Muchísimas gracias de antemano!
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